Procrastination Reversal
Training Course for People Who Cannot Defeat Procrastination... Until Now! Are you straitjacketed by this non-productive habit. Here we are providing you with this course that works!
003-Happiness Hormones and How They Affect Productivity
004-How to Get Long Term Motivation
005-Examples of Two Tasks With Equal Motivation But Different Procrastination
006-Short Term Motivation to Get You Going on Your Task
007-Real Time It Takes to Build a Habit
008-Are You Avoiding Unpleasant Tasks
009-Fear of Criticism or Failure
010-Is Perfectionism Holding You Back
011-Fixing Procrastination Due to Overwhelm of a Giant Task Ahead of You
012-Big Idea People Deadlines and Accountability Partners
013-ADHD-Real and As a Figure of Speech
014-Why Do People Procrastinate-Exercise
015-Why Do People Procratinate-Exercise Answer
016-Eliminating Interruptions
017-Learning to Say No Is Productive
018-Create Room and Time for Psychological Space and Decluttering Mind Space
019-Natural Light and Fresh Air
020-Adjusting Colors